If you want to do better and pass the job interview, or to persuade in any of your carrier you must be or have the following tips and different criteria.basicall you must understand these words “YOU”  “YOURSELF”  “PERSONALITY” “COMMUNICATION” “HAPPYNESS”  “PUNCTUALITY”

1.     YOU

  •  Like any other living organism, God has gifted to all human beings the unique power i.e.’ Reproduction’ which enables them to produce a new ‘human being’ that is identical to them.


  • But are they really identical? It leaves a big question mark. No doubt up to some extent physiologically as well as morphologically they may be identical but there is one thing which differentiates them from each other i.e. their ‘Mind’. Now what is ‘Mind’ is a debatable topic. According to the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras (6th century B.C.) brain is the organ of mind.” Someone has rightly said : “What we call mind is a product of the brain.” Synonymous for the mind we may include soul, sentiments, judgements, choice,inclination, desire, will, likings, impetus, memory etc.

  • In my opinion the mind is the propelling force behind any human brain. Mind provides the power/ability to guide and train the brain so that one can achieve what he wants to achieve in his/her life. Mind is in sum all that the humanbody is. It is the mind which determines the identity of an individual and power to utilize his or her brain effectively.
  •                    Everyone born with the absolute raw brain, knows nothing about life. But after coming into existence the race for survival begins. Developing your brain is an ongoing process. This learning process starts right from the day one. When you were a baby who told you to cry to attract your mother’s attention and indicate that you were hungry? Was there anyone whom you might have seen crawling? But you started crawling of your own and after some time started walking and this process of learning continued.


  • Every day you look, hear and read many things but how much you are able to retain with
    you is up to you. All human beings possess an almost identical ability to store and recall the same amount of
    information. What makes a difference is, your ability to gather and store information in a proper way, place
    and time. In fact the brain gets sharper the more efficiently it is used. The ability to solve problems correctly increases with every correctly solved problem.

  • you is up to you. All human beings possess an almost identical ability to store and recall the same amount of  information. What makes a difference is, your ability to gather and store information in a proper way, place and time. In fact the brain gets sharper the more efficiently it is used. The ability to solve problems correctly increases with every correctly solved problem.

  • Your memory works better, the harder it is made to work. So it is up to you how effectively you utilize your brain. There are plenty of examples available around. For example, two brothers having absolutely different natures – one is kind, simple, well behaved while the other is quite arrogant and rude though their upbringing was similar. In a class of 70 boys a boy gets first position while another gets poor marks though the teacher was same for both of them.


  • Similarly in a company where there are thousands of workers, only a few get promoted while others keep on doing the same old job though the opportunities were
    available for them also.No doubt, factors like family, teacher, friend, society,economic status and environment influence the behavior of an individual. But whether to get influenced or not, solely depends upon an individual. You are an individual too.

  • Available for them also.No doubt, factors like family, teacher, friend, society,economic status and environment influence the behavior of an individual. But whether to get influenced or not, solely depends upon an individual. You are an individual too.

  • Today whatever you are is because of you. Since you wanted to be a ‘Medical doctor’ so you have
    become a Medical doctor. Now to transform yourself into a successful medical representative is once
    again in your hands. Start realizing the power of this wonder word ‘YOU’, which
  • become a Medical doctor. Now to transform yourself into a successful medical representative is once again in your hands. Start realizing the power of this wonder word ‘YOU’, which can make all the difference to you. Not only in your professional but in your personal life too, this magic word ‘YOU’ has got its own importance. After realizing the power of you, let us see, who is next to you.

“If you keep waiting for just the right time,
you may never begin.
Begin now! Begin where you are


  • It is very essential to have good friends in your life. They are the ones with whom you can share your happy or sad moments, whose opinion matters to you so that while solving a problem you can weigh your opinion against theirs. They are the ones whom you want with you while having fun or discussing a matter. Specially when you are confused or want to enquire about a truth, you can rely on them.


  • But if someone asks you who is your best friend? It will be very difficult for you to answer because every human being has got some qualities which are liked in general by others while some are disliked. Sometimes an individual has got some likes and dislikes of his own and your friend too may have some. Under these circumstances no one can come up to your expectation. For whom can you say, “I like everything in him”? Basically friendship is a mutual adjustment between two individuals where most of their likes are similar and dislikes if any, are overlooked.


  • But I can certainly name a person for whom your answer will be -”well, I like him the way he is”. Who may this person be? Yes! ‘You’ can be the best friend of yourself, provided you start forgiving some of your human imperfections and taking care of yourself. Have you ever realized that it is you who is always with you everywhere? It is ‘you’ whom you find always on your side, when even your friends are not there. There can be only one person on earth who would never like you to be let down in any situation and he is ‘You’. Someone has rightly said. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. It is you who like a good friend will always ensure that you get your share.

  • So bring yourself out, whenever you feel alone, make your life as happy as any good friend of yours would like to make. Be as kind and nice to yourself as anyone you know. For being good to yourself, you need to take time for yourself, every day. This time you can call your own because this is the time you would like to spend just doing the things which make you happy. These are the moments when only you are with yourself. You have been gifted with the most precious gift and that is your brain, which serves the dual purpose i.e. of a VCR and of a TV. So recall some peaceful thoughts and pleasant memories which will make you happy. In your daily routine include this special time for yourself. This will keep your outlook fresh and new.
    Now if someone asks you the same question i.e. who is your best friend? Say with confidence “It is me”.

Now if someone asks you the same question i.e. who is your best friend? Say with confidence “It is me”.

  • It is good to take time out for yourself and the job you are performing but at the same
    time it is your moral obligation to fulfill all the responsibilities of your family too. So never neglect them in the course of your worklife. While planning your day, do keep sometime for your family. If your parents/wife/children want to be with you, keep sometime for them in your schedule in such a way that it does not disturb your working schedule at the same time providing some precious moments with your family.
  • time it is your moral obligation to fulfill all the responsibilities of your family too. So never neglect them in the course of your worklife. While planning your day, do keep sometime for your family. If your parents/wife/children want to be with you, keep sometime for them in your schedule in such a way that it does not disturb your working schedule at the same time providing some precious moments with your family.

“Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers,
why not plant your own garden.”



  • Happiness is a state of mind, which does not occur by itself. This needs willful efforts with persistent endeavour.It is you, who can cause it happen to you. It is your choice to be happy or unhappy in life, or to be content with the life you have got. It is up to you how you relate yourself with the life‘s events and determine your joy as well as misery.

  • How about your feelings? Are they mean or kind? How do you feel when someone does good to you or when someone does something that hurts you? Do you start feeling the same for him or do you give it a second thought as to why you were treated so? This attitude towards life is the key to happiness. If your attitude is negative then even a good thing around you, will not bring happiness to you. You need not go anywhere in search of happiness. It is everywhere and right inside you. The only thing required
    to get it, is a positive attitude towards life. As the saying goes: “Happiness is all around
    it is in the morning‘s sunshine and the evening’s quiet hours, it is in all that is bright and beautiful.
    In rainbow, field and flowers, it is in warm and tender moments and in special feelings too, all the simple, little joys  we gather all life through.”
  • to get it, is a positive attitude towards life. As the saying goes: “Happiness is all around it is in the morning‘s sunshine and the evening’s quiet hours, it is in all that is bright and beautiful. In rainbow, field and flowers, it is in warm and tender moments and in special feelings too, all the simple, little joys  we gather all life through.”


  • You can make up your mind to be happy and you will find your life more rewarding. Do not get disturbed with little obstacles and worries that come your way. You can be as happy as you have decided to be.‘The Joy of Living’ has been well expressed in these words.
    “To know the joy of living
    is to know life’s worthwhile things.
    The satisfaction of work well done,
    the pleasure friendship brings,
    courage after doubting
    understanding after sorrow,
    learning from your yesterdays
    and looking towards tomorrow.
    It is measuring our happiness
    not just by the years we have spent,
    but by the joys we have given others
    and by our own heart’s content.”
“To know the joy of living
is to know life’s worthwhile things.
The satisfaction of work well done,
the pleasure friendship brings,
courage after doubting
understanding after sorrow,
learning from your yesterdays
and looking towards tomorrow.
It is measuring our happiness
not just by the years we have spent,
but by the joys we have given others
and by our own heart’s content.”


  • Today you are a self-reliant person who knows how to remain happy but an overall personality development lends credence to your work. “I know you have an impressive wardrobe. But of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

‘If someone remembers your suit and not your smile, you didn’t smile enough.”



  • “Personality is to a person what perfume is to a flower”. Hence you must work hard at grooming your personality, to create the right impression of yourself. Because without personality a person is like a moving mass. The way you walk, talk, and interact with people, reflects your personality. Moreover this adds to the impression created by your look and dressing up. Specially looking good is an integral part of your personality.


  • The way you dress gives an instant impression about what you before appear to the interview panel you should be good in the followings



  • As a job hunter, it is important for you to be well dressed so as to create a right impression of yourself.This impression can be created to a great extent by clothes. Your clothes must exude an element of confidence, comfort and a clean feeling. It is better to be dressed conservatively i.e. you should avoid using gaudy colours or sport shirts,shoes, jeans etc. during interview. Shirt sleeves should be
  • buttoned or properly folded. A half unbuttoned shirt can create disturbing impressions about your entire personality. Similarly, if you have dressed properly but your shoes are not polished it may create the same impression. After dressing up you must view yourself with ‘others’ eyes. Whatever look you exhibit it must reflect a distinct touch of your personality.



  • Your ability to speak well helps you in communicating your message precisely and effectively. Both in your social as well as professional circle, your voice and its ability to communicate the right message serves the purpose of looking good. It is the voice and its tone which attracts or distracts attention and confidence of others to what you say. Hence before speaking in front of the mass you must be aware of the following points:

(1)     Do you speak too fast or too slow?
(2) Do you give long pauses between two sentences?
(3) Do you use appropriate words?
(4) How is your pronunciation?


  •        You can certainly overcome these problems, if any, by using simple words and making one point at a time. So before speaking you must take a moment to think what you are going to say and how?


  •          Apart from these tangible aspects of personality through which others assess you, there is another hidden aspect of your personality and that is to have faith in yourself where by you can be confident of achieving all the goals you have set for yourself. But to say this, you should have
a positive and healthy self-image.



  •             A negative and unhealthy self-image will only contribute to your being victimized in life. The moment you start thinking that you cannot, that you are not attractive, or that you are not intelligent enough, chances are there that others too will see you that way. Never say ‘no’, never say ‘I can’t’. Assess your potential, you will find everything in you which is required to accomplish your chosen mission.


  • Now the question arises what you should do to groom your personality so that it impresses you first.
1. First of all you should learn to welcome changes rather than fear them. Change is a part of life. If you do not change yourself you will remain where you are. You cannot expect any improvement in you. Many times changes are not pleasant, but you have to cope with them to be an acceptable and healthy social being.


2. Your self-image should not be an exaggerated one as instead of helping you to succeed it may put you in an embarrassing situation where chances are that once again you might start thinking negatively about yourself. So before saying, ‘I can do it’ you must visualize different aspects and then do an elaborate preparation followed by able execution along with persistent efforts and will-power. You will find yourself on the top of the success ladder. There in no short cut to success. Only those persons succeed who think they can do and then work religiously, diligently towards the goal.

3. A strong positive self-image does not mean that you are perfect. It is to accept yourself as you are with an effort towards correcting your weaknesses. So always give due importance to what others say
and then act according to your best judgment.


4. It is said “
Failure is a stepping stone to success” Do not consider yourself as a failure if you fail in performing a particular task or assignment. It may provide a mirror to your faults and help you learn from your mistakes.“To err is human”, but when it is repeated it becomes a mistake. Never blame yourself. At this juncture instead of repenting for a mistake try to find out an alternative
course of action. Your approach should be, “
I will persist until I succeed”. Here is something to guide you through:

“When things are not going well for you and times are not what they should be just focus on the positive and think about what could be acknowledge what has happened,
do not lose sight of lessons past, but do not allow the negative
distracting thoughts to last. Take what you have learnt and start from there. Draw strength from your frustration and let this added sense of purpose be your new foundation. It is hard to follow any plan
precisely to the letter. Though life right now is difficult things in time will get better”.


Now that you have learnt to exude a positive self-image for others as well as yourself, you need to focus on some vital qualities of the medical representatives i.e. a strong character, will power, initiative and punctuality.

“Work needs to FIT your personality just as a shoe needs
to fit your feet.”



  •      Success of a ‘job seeker’ is directly proportional to the strength of his character, personal
qualities, and professional competence. The most important attribute of character is ‘Courage’. This
is the most admired human virtue in all societies. To be a human means to be courageous. A courageous person is one who always keeps an ideal higher for himself. Often it
has been observed that people hesitate from an action which may benefit more to their organisation than to themselves. For example, any representative who has completed his task/target/budget may not place an order for additional sales. Though there may be a demand in the market and for that additional sales probably no additional efforts are required from his side. It is seen that it does not burden the person concerned, but the company loses sale at that very moment.



  •       A job seeker can consolidate and build up his moral courage, only if he has the necessary selflessness. Remember your success is tied with the success of your company.Sometimes people hesitate to give a frank opinion about a market problem to their superiors, instead they start
  • presuming that it may adversely affect their career. What is worse is one’s cool acceptance for implementing a strategy or performing a task, not showing hesitation before their superiors while in fact they have their own mental reservations. What follows is a time consuming process of their being at task and at the end confronted by dismal performance and poor results. What if you had been frank then?

  • The meaning of ‘courage’ must not be misinterpreted, as courage never means insubordination, but gives you a right to seek clarification if any doubt arises in your mind. Another situation where courage matters is accepting your own faults as nothing is perfect in this world. As the saying goes “Nothing makes one seem more foolish or impotent than the inability to admit a mistake”.
  • Everybody commits mistakes but a person, who instead of feeling shy about it, asks his seniors, friends, elders about the remedial measures gets on to succeed.

  •     Courage is equally important to one’s personal life as it is to your professional career. There are situations when a person feels helpless or finds no solution and hesitates to take a step forward. But instead of sitting back he must ask himself a question as to what is the worst that may happen? Once he identifies the worst he should think how he can stop this from happening and undertake suitable
  • actions. He should be ready with different options. Even after such an exercise, if the worst does take place, it will not discourage the person concerned, as he was already prepared for it. Moreover strong spiritual faith makes a person courageous. Courage is a must to win.


  •              An important attribute to a man’s character is will-power.. It is the
implementation which needs will–power. Normally there are a number of hurdles that come in the way of implementing a plan of action, such as shortage of time, non-availability of planned customer, non–receipt of desired inputs in time etc. But a representative who possesses strong will-power will
always find an alternative mode to implement the plan of action, designed by himself. Though these hurdles work as a friction on his well oiled machine, yet they should not slow down his speed. Specially a person who wants to accomplish something worthwhile in his or her life, should
try to reduce these frictions with courage and will-power. A strong positive image of self, automatically generates a great amount of will-power in a person. Then the habit of
fulfillment of duty further builds up the will-power. The ability to carry out an assigned task and to do it completely fortifies the will-power. On the contrary, a person who believes in short cuts to success, misses the opportunity of fortifying his will-power and gets off the track.


  •      It is the will-power that keeps you alive and insists that you try and try again till you succeed because failure is not always something below one’s ability. Any successful person may suffer setbacks. For a forward looking person these setbacks work as a persuasive force, to evaluate past
  • performances and plan accordingly. Success comes to the people who never stop dreaming, but trust that their dreams come true by utilising each new opportunity that each new day brings. This attitude of ‘try and try again’, will not only ensure success for an individual but the efforts will help him to strengthen his will-power. Last but not the least to undertake challenges for producing higher than the expected results, builds up will-power. the expected results, builds up will-power.


  •    Any person whose faith in a higher ideal is not deep and who is ignorant of his limitations or who is ambitious beyond his potential is bound to experience feelings of sheer frustration.


  •       To have intelligent anticipation, to think of tomorrow and then even without asking of someone, work on a plan of action which will help in achieving the assigned task is
‘Initiative’. It means only those job seekers succeed, who, instead of waiting for superiors to come and tackle the problem, themselves take appropriate steps in advance.


  •     This step may be just informing about the problem to the superior or to the concerned authority. Because a person who requires spoon feeding in every situation will be considered an immature person.A representative can develop initiative by fore-thought. Whenever a task is given to him, he must visualise what may go wrong or what hurdles may come in the way.
  • When any of these actually occur, he should be ready to adopt an alternative course of action.
“I will find a way” would be the conviction and approach of the representative, who has necessary courage, willpower and initiative. It is this attitude that brings success in one’s career.
“Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.”


  •            An important quality that a job hunter must possess is punctuality. Apart from keeping you on your time schedule, punctuality also reflects your initiative,interest and sincerity towards the job. In fact, I would even put punctuality first in the list of qualities.Anyone who cares for his job and is sincere, would like to complete the job in time and for completing a job in given time, punctuality is a prerequisite. Suppose anyone misses his train or bus while going on a tour, can he complete the
  • job? ‘No’. It is obvious, if you are late in reaching any interior or planned market, you may not visit all the customers as per their convenient timings. Some might have left their clinic and you lose the call for another month/phase or cycle. This way the gap between two calls will be increased. In this competitive age your competitors may take full advantage of your absence by developing rapport with your customers. On the other hand, punctuality does not mean reaching before time.


  •      I remember a very interesting incident. I was an absolute fresher at that time, hardly having worked for ten or fifteen days in the field. The day when my executive came for the first time to my territory for joint working, I was very enthusiastic to begin the day. In over enthusiasm I got ready by 8.30 a.m. Though the time to meet him was 9:30 a.m. Since I was ready I started early and reached
  • the contact point around five past nine. I was just sitting on my scooter seat, waiting for my executive to come. The moment the hands of the clock reached nine and six, I saw my executive
  • coming in. He came and asked me, “How long have you been waiting?” I said,” Only for last 25 minutes”. He did not say anything and we moved out for the working.

  •      Next time again he visited my territory and found me waiting for him. When the third time also the same thing happened, he told me quietly, “Mr. Juma, ‘Punctuality’ does not mean reaching before time. It means reaching on time”.Then he started telling me the benefits of punctuality.He told me that instead of reaching early and waiting,this time could be utilized for some other job, even
    personal work. So one must plan the whole day in such a way, that he/she may carry out his/her professional as well as personal responsibilities correctly and completely.

  • personal work. So one must plan the whole day in such a way, that he/she may carry out his/her professional as well as personal responsibilities correctly and completely.

  •      They must adhere to their plan and time schedule. Specially on the day when they have to work with their superiors, one must keep a strict time schedule, as any delay may not only disturb one’s own programme but also of the superior, though five minutes may not be bad as no one can predict, what may happen or can come in the way. Of course by foreseeing some of the common aspects i.e.
  • traffic jam at roads, conveyance, etc. by keeping a correct idea about the distance and probable time to reach there,one can be punctual. If one has one’s own conveyance then he/she must ensure that it is in sound condition i.e. appropriate fuel and air pressure are maintained or not?


  • Today you possess all those qualities which a successful in job hunting must possess. But remember you are in the business of communication. Hence the most important prerequisite for you is to be good in communication.

“Achievement can be yours through development of
qualities which made others successful.”



  •    What is communication? Some might say, ‘It is to convey a message, may be written or verbal’. Some other would say, ‘It is to express an idea or oneself’. Though the real meaning of communication is not only to convey or express but to get the message understood correctly by the person with whom you are communicating. Remember, your communication is not completed till it is rightly perceived by the other person in the same manner (with whom you are communicating) in the way you wanted it to be. Aha! So, you don’t like my tune.


  • Always keep in your mind the need and limitations of the person, with whom you are going to communicate. For example, if you are talking in English with someone who does not understand it, you are conveying a message to him but not communicating as it will not be understood by him. So ‘being a Salesman you should always try to speak in the customer’s language’.

  •       Another aspect of verbal communication is how effectively you communicate. Your efficiency depends upon certain factors, such as flow of talking, correctness of text,pronunciation of different words, modulation of voice and above all your confidence. You can master all these factors provided you are clear in your thinking of what exactly you have to talk. When your words come out of your
  • mouth instead of mind, you take less time to deliver thesame. Hence flow comes in your talking automatically, text is already taken care of, modulation of voice itself improves. Of course, if you practice how to pronounce a particular work, it will lead to no disruption in your talking.



  •     A successful job hunter not only communicates verbally with his customers but he needs to be good in written communication as well. This gives you an opportunity to express your personality, specially to those you have never met in person. For example, your superiors from Head Office, Branch, Depot etc.This also helps you in expressing your feelings and emotions while communicating with your customer, friends and relatives.Unlike verbal communication, one has to be very careful
  • while communicating in writing because here the person whom you are addressing, is not in front of you. So you may never know the mood in which he will be reading your write-up. Specially if you are communicating with someone whom you have never met in the past, it becomes difficult for you to identify his needs and limitations.


  •     Therefore, your write-up should be very clear as well as simple and written neatly. For this, first of all you should be very clear in your thoughts about what you want to communicate. Then before completing a final write-up, it is advisable to prepare a draft. Sometimes due to shortage of time, you may just plan the sentences and their sequence in your mind. Of course, it is not necessary for you to be a good ‘Calligrapher’ but if your letter is written neatly it will not only leave a good impression on the other person but also help him to understand the text easily and correctly.



  •      Apart from communicating verbally or in writing, we human beings quite often use another approach to communicate and that is through our body signals. You might have noticed that when people around you are happy they smile, when they are sad or angry, they frown
    or scowl. Nodding the head is almost used to indicate ’Yes’.Similarly, shaking the head from side-to-side is used to indicate ‘No’. It is not only the adults who use such gestures but these gestures are well learned in childhood. For example, when a baby has enough milk, he turns his head
    from side-to-side rejecting his mother’s breast or a bottle.

or scowl. Nodding the head is almost used to indicate ’Yes’.Similarly, shaking the head from side-to-side is used to indicate ‘No’. It is not only the adults who use such gestures but these gestures are well learned in childhood. For example, when a baby has enough milk, he turns his head
from side-to-side rejecting his mother’s breast or a bottle.


  •    Researches confirm that the verbal component of a faceto-face communication is less than 45 per cent and over 55 per cent of communication is done non-verbally.They say that the verbal channel is used primarily for conveying the information while the non-verbal channel
  • is used for negotiating interpersonal attitudes. Hence this art of reading other’s thoughts through their gesture is known as ‘Body language’. For a job seeker, it is very important to be well versed with
  • body language because it will help him to develop a better understanding of complex human behaviour, specially during a face-to-face encounter.


  •     The need to know body language is very essential. With the help of body language you can come to know the real meaning of the words used by a person. Like any other language, body language too consists of words, sentences and punctuations. Each and every gesture is like a word,giving different meanings. It is only when this word is put into a sentence along with other words, you can understand its full meaning. Research shows that nonverbal communication carries about five times more impact than a verbal one.


  •      This is the reason why you need a careful reading of body language. These gestures can tell you the truth about a person’s feeling or attitude provided you know how to read non-verbal sentences accurately and then to match them against the person’s verbal sentences.


  •      It is up to you how accurately you interpret the message and get your message across. So start reading carefully the gestures of those with whom you are interacting. A public place gives you the best opportunity e.g. cinema hall, railway station, restaurants, social functions.


  •       These are the places where you will get an entire spectrum of human gestures as people openly express their eagerness, anger, sorrow, happiness, impatience or any other feeling. Sometimes you can turn down the sound of your TV set and just try to understand what is happening on the screen or guess the dialogues of the characters by their expressions. In between for a few seconds you can turn up the sound to check how correct your non-verbal reading was. Sometimes with conscious effort, you should try to read your own gestures standing before a mirror.


  •       Apart from all these qualities what you need to possess is a sound knowledge of your job and its basic functions which you have to perform on a day-to-day basis. “Success is 50% what you know and 50% how you communicate what you know.”
  23. vitiligo
  27. FEVER
  34. STRESS
  44. EYE BURN
  54. DATES

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