
Understanding the best days of you to concieving

Pregnancy | safe days for pregnancy | Easy concieving

It is very important for couples, especially women, to be aware of the good days of her pregnancy and the dangerous days for unmarried people.
A woman's ovulation cycle is the act of a woman's egg [ovary] releasing an egg / eggs [egg / ovum] from the part where the eggs are formed that part is called the [ovary] and into the fallopian tube ready to wait for fertilization by sperm.

The importance of circulation in a woman

1. This cycle produces an egg that meets the sperm where the baby can be found. And this is one of the biggest events within a woman's body so that a woman can get pregnant.
2. In order for a woman to get pregnant she must be getting her egg / egg cycle a month.

When egg cycle occurs in a woman

A woman's ovulation cycle varies between a woman and a woman, depending on their monthly cycle.
There are regular, long and short cycles
The average cycle of a woman is about 28 days. And this is the largest group here. For this day the egg cycle is 11 to 13 and can reach up to 14. So having a menstrual cycle of 28 days is a good day to have a baby. It is dated 11,12,13 and 14.

This table shows the woman's cycles [menstruation] and dates of pregnancy [ovulation period]

 22 days
Day 6-10
24 days
Day 8-12
 26 days
Day 10-14
 28 days
day 12-16
 30 days
Day 14-18
36 days
Day 20-24
 42 days
Day 26-30

This table shows the lengths cycle of different women and the best days to 

Things that can helps you to understand your circle

1.      1. View your calendar [you can also log in to playstall in your menu and download the menstrual cycle calendar]
And if you know how many days your cycle is then realize that this period of ovulation occurs in the middle of the day on the day of your cycle

2.use an ovulation predictor kit [ovulation predictor kit] Available in medical hardware stores.

3.listen to your body / notice changes in the body About 20% of women report having their bodies disclosed during the ovulation period.


1.pain in the hips or pain in the peripheral areas between the hips and thighs [abdominal area]

2.A change in the cervix [cervix]
Due to hormonal changes during this period the cervix becomes soft and smooth,
Or increased mucus and elasticity [cervical mucus].

3.increased temperature in the cervix [cervical temperature]This is measured by a special measure if you have one you can record those temperature changes..

4.Changes in milk and nipples
This can also be one of the symptoms during the maturation of a woman's eggs

5.Bleeding, brown, red, dark or spotting blood spots [spotting]
This blood does not belong to the menstrual cycle. If these things continue from a long time to the hospital, see a doctor.

6.Increased sexual desire [libido changes].
Due to the many hormonal changes during this period a woman's body becomes eager to meet a man


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