Structure of RNA
Functions of RNA
RNA plays an essential role in many different biological processes. Its primary functions include the following:
1. It is the main component of ribosomes, which are structures within cells that catalyze protein synthesis from messenger RNA (mRNA).
2. It helps to direct transcription processes during DNA replication and regulate gene expression levels at certain times during cell development or division.
3. Transfer RNAs move amino acids around a cell to synthesize proteins as well as help break them down for degradation into other molecules such as glucose or glycogen when needed by the cell’s metabolism needs access to energy sources for survival .
4. Ribozymes are specific types of RNA enzymes that can cleave single-stranded mRNA substrates and thus control its fate whether it will be translated into a functional protein or not., depending on their programmed rules, either defining initiation/termination codons , preventing preterm translation due to regulatory sequences inside coding sequence regions etc...
5 In addition, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) have been identified in recent years with roles in posttranscriptional regulation events like alternative splicing or targeting complementary mRNAs for non productive pathways via endonucleolysis