Jobs in Tanzania:Terms Of Reference:provide Technical Support To Develop Youth Life Skills at Snv tanzania

Jobs in Tanzania:Terms Of Reference:provide Technical Support To Develop Youth Life Skills at Snv tanzania

Full Time job
Job Summary
The assignment is seeking to hire an individual consultant to develop a life skills training curriculum. The curriculum will focus on developing the knowledge and skills that young people require to transition into employment.

Minimum Qualification: Masters
Experience Level: Senior level
Experience Length: 5 years
Job Description
Terms of Reference

Name of assignment: Provide technical support to develop youth life skills training curriculum in Kiswahili for IEWY project.

Terms of reference title: Increased youth(self) employment in the dairy sector

Sector and Program: Agriculture Sector

Project: Income and Employment for Women and Youth (IEWY) in the Dairy Sector

Geographical focus: Hai & Siha districts- Kilimanjaro

Proposed start date: 01.02.2019

Proposed end date: 28.02. 2019

Open to: Individual Consultants

1.0. Introduction

SNV, funded by Comic Relief, is implementing a 4.5 years (54 months) project, Income and Employment for Women and Youth (IEWY) in the dairy sector in north east Tanzania. The project runs from June 1 st 2016 to 1 st Jan 2021. The Project has a strong focus on women and youth empowerment in the dairy subsector and its overall goal is to improve the livelihoods of rural households through formalization and commercialization of the dairy industry in the North east regions in order to boost incomes and employment particularly for women and youth.

SNV leads the consortium of four local partners in the implementation of IEWY project. The local partners are:

Match Maker Associates Ltd (MMA),
Capacity Building Organisation - CABO Consult,
Nronga Women Dairy Cooperatives (NWDC), and,
Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperatives Joint Enterprise Ltd (KDCJE Ltd). Please note - KDCJE Ltd was formed through the project in December 2017
SNV and these local partners have well defined and complimentary roles and responsibilities to play in the implementation of IEWY project.
1. SNV as a lead organisation has a role of overall coordination of the project; capacity building of local partners; delivering technical assistance to dairy farmers; women and youth empowerment; knowledge development and learning; and, donor relations and communication.

2. MMA Ltd role is to market and business development and capacity building of NWDC and KDCJE Ltd.

3. CABO Consult’s role is cooperative leadership development; women’s leadership development and developing youth entrepreneurialism and enterprise development.

4. NWDC and the KDCJE Ltd have a dual role both as beneficiaries of capacity development from the project and local partners implementing specific roles in the project. NWDC role is in mobilisation and training of dairy farmers, while KDCJE Ltd provides services to its member cooperatives and milk marketing.

2.0. Background

SNV, Netherlands Development Organization is an international, not-for-profit, development organization, working in 36 of the poorest countries worldwide, including 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. We focus on achieving impact in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. By sharing our specialist expertise in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

The objective of IEWY is to increase incomes and employment for 18,324 women and youth in the dairy value chain in rural households in Hai and Siha districts, specifically by; (a) improving production and productivity of smallholder dairy farmers, (b) increasing the amount of, and control over, income earned by women from dairy activities, (c) enterprise and employment creation for young people, (d) developing  viable producer organizations with improved services, and (e) increasing knowledge sharing, stakeholders dialogue, and learning to influence an enabling environment for equitable and inclusive smallholder dairy development.

To achieve the objective the consortium has applied the following key strategies:

Establishment of a dairy cooperative joint enterprise (KDCJE Ltd) as an umbrella for the primary dairy cooperatives, to create the market trigger, improve efficiency in milk collection and marketing, which will pull increased farm production.
Ensuring equitable balancing of roles and benefits between men and women within dairy households and use lessons learned to enhance household decision making and market links.
Address youth unemployment and under-employment by supporting the creation of new youthled enterprises (Service Provider Enterprises SPEs) in input and service in the dairy value chain.
3.0 Aim and Objectives of the Assignment

The assignment will be conducted mainly in Hai district involving 2 selected Youth Service Provider Enterprise groups (SPEs) 1 dairy private company and 2 cooperatives. The consultant will be expected to undertake desk review of secondary materials/information, gather more key inputs and information from dairy private company/cooperative, group leaders and members of the group as well as from youth champions, prepare training manual and conduct training for youth mentors, members from SPEs group, LGA staff and project youth team. The purpose of the training curriculum and materials is to empower youth in life skills and is expected to include key topics on:

1. Decision making skills

2. Peer education

3. Communication skills

4. Entrepreneurship skills

5. Financial literacy

6. Emotional management skills

The assignment is seeking to hire an individual consultant to develop a life skills training curriculum. The curriculum will focus on developing the knowledge and skills that young people require to transition into employment. The curriculum will be highly interactive and participatory, using real life situations. The template required for the various activities and exercise will be annexed. This includes pre and post-tests

4.0. Methodology

1. Desk review of secondary materials/information:

a. Introduction to SNV and agriculture sector

b. IEWY annual report

2. Field visit to selected SPE groups, dairy private company and cooperatives

a. Collect more inputs from participants to enhance the topics/content of the training module.

b. Collect inputs from dairy private company or cooperative on market skills required by the private sector to enable youth access employment.

c. Conduct a session with the LGA youth Officer to brainstorm and gather his views on the Curriculum

3. Develop first draft of the training materials:

a. Through the inputs from the field visit prepare the first draft of training materials for validation,

4. Validation of the training materials:

a. Prepare a presentation of the first draft of the training materials

b. Facilitate a day validation meeting on the first draft with representatives from SPE groups, LGA representative and the project staff,

c. Gather inputs and comments from participants and use them to develop the final draft.

5. Develop the final draft of the training module:

a. Improve the first draft using inputs and comments from the validation meeting,

b. Present the final draft of the training module to SNV

6. Train youth empowerment mentors , members from selected SPE groups, LGA staff and project youth team on the use of the training module

a. Prepare and deliver a day training session to the participants on how to facilitate training sessions to youth and community using the training curriculum, to assess participant’s knowledge and skills acquisition.

5.0. Time Frame, Deliverables and Reporting

5.1 Timeframe

The Approved final training curriculum must be delivered to SNV no later than December 6th February 2019.

5.3 Reporting

The selected consultancy will work under the direction of, and report to, Mr Tom Ole Sikar, the Project Manager.

6.0 Competence required

The consultant will be selected on the basis of their proven experience, qualifications and ability to deliver a quality product in a timely and efficient manner. Minimum qualifications and experience should include:

Proven experience in the designing and delivering training curriculum to youth.
Proven experience in developing published training materials/curriculum
Excellent knowledge of current trends, opportunities and challenges in relation to youth employment in Tanzania
Thorough understanding/ prior experience on youth entrepreneurship & youth employability issues in agriculture value chain
Experience in youth issues at Tanzania context
Experience of interactive and innovative training approaches engaging young people
Excellent verbal communication and writing skills (in English)
Leadership and self-reflection skills
Very good analytical skills combined with a practical and pragmatic approach oriented towards lasting results.
Master degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field such as: Community economic development and youth related issues, social science and 5-10 years of relevant experience
Demonstrable knowledge of and experience with the dairy subsector or value chain

7.0 Selection criteria for engagement

Applicants are advised that proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

Past Performance – Quality and relevance of previous work conducted by the consultant. References provided by the contracting companies. Score = 40
Technical Proposal – demonstrating clear understanding of the assignment, a viable and appropriate methodology, and a realistic operational plan. Score = 40
A sample of a piece of comparable, previous work completed by the consultant within the last 12 months. Score = 20

How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:

8.0 Applicants are requested to submit:

A: Technical proposal with the following details:

Understanding of the assignment and its tasks,
Methodology and approach to be used,
Operational plan with clear timeline and attached your CV,
Note: Technical Proposals should not exceed a maximum of 20 pages (including annexes). Lengthier proposals may be disqualified.

B: A sample of a written training manual of similar scope generated by the consultant within the last 12 months.

C: Past Performance

Applicants must prove that they have enough experience in assignments comparable with the work they are bidding for in terms of scope and complexity. Applicants must prove this experience using only and exactly three references for work they have done in the last five years.

Applicants must provide written proof for each of the references giving at least the following data:

Name of the contracting company/donor, name of the person who managed the contract for the company/donor and email and telephone numbers for the contact who managed the contract;
Title of the project or contract or grant and / or the contract/grant number;
Time and place of execution for the work done;
Clear description of the services provided by the applicant (no more than one page); organisations/contractors worked with and assignment performed in the last 3 years.
D: Financial proposal (in TZS) broken out to provide at least the following details

Consultancy fees inclusive of taxes (please note that under Tanzanian law, WHT of 5% for national and 15% international consultancy is deducted at source and paid direct to TRA.
Transportation, per diem costs,
Communication and stationaries.
E: Mandatory Requirement - Copy of: Tax Registration certificate TIN;

Item “E” are mandatory and failure to provide them will result into disqualification of the whole bid.

NOTE: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Please submit the EOI named “Provide technical support to develop Youth life skills training curriculum in Kiswahili – Dairy Project” in the subject line and email to: not later than 1700 on 16th January,2019

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