Mastering the Art of Making soft Chapati


 Mastering the Art of Making soft Chapati: A Step-by-Step Guide


Chapati, a popular unleavened flatbread originating from the Indian subcontinent, has become a staple in many households around the world. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a novice in the kitchen, learning how to make chapati can be a rewarding culinary adventure. In this step-by-step guide, we will take you through the process of creating soft, delicious chapatis that will impress your family and friends.

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

To make chapati, you'll need the following ingredients:

- 2 cups of whole wheat flour

- 1 cup of water

- 1 tablespoon of oil

- Salt to taste

- Extra flour for rolling

Step 2: Prepare the Dough

In a large mixing bowl, combine the whole wheat flour, salt, and oil. Gradually add water and knead the mixture until it forms a smooth and elastic dough. Let the dough rest for about 15-20 minutes, which will make it easier to roll later.

Step 3: Divide and Shape the Dough

After resting, divide the dough into small, golf ball-sized portions. Take one portion of dough and using your palms, roll it into a smooth, round ball. Flatten the ball and dust it with some flour.

Step 4: Roll Out the Chapati

On a clean, floured surface, place the dough ball and gently flatten it with your fingertips. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a thin, circular shape. Turn the dough occasionally and add more flour if it begins to stick.

Step 5: Cook the Chapati

Heat a tawa (a flat skillet or griddle) over medium-high heat. Once the tawa is hot, carefully transfer the rolled chapati onto it. Allow one side to cook for about 20-30 seconds until small bubbles start to form, then flip it over using a spatula.

Step 6: Apply Ghee or Oil

Brush a little ghee or oil on the cooked side of the chapati. Flip it again and apply ghee or oil on the other side. Press the chapati gently with a spatula to help it cook evenly. Continue cooking and flipping until both sides are golden brown and show slight charred spots.

Step 7: Serve and Enjoy

Remove the chapati from the tawa and place it on a plate or in a clean towel-lined container to keep it warm and soft. Repeat the process for the remaining dough portions. Serve your freshly cooked chapatis with your favorite curry, vegetable, or any other accompaniment of your choice.


With these simple steps, you can master the art of making chapatis at home. Experiment with different variations by adding spices or herbs to the dough for a unique flavor. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged if your first attempts aren't flawless. Enjoy the process, and soon you'll be serving mouthwatering, homemade chapatis that will delight your loved ones. Happy cooking!


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