Athlete’s foot is known as tinea pedis,tinea pedum,moccasin foot or ringworm of the foot.
This is the type of infection that is affect mostly on the upper part of the skin of the foot.athlete’ foot fungus is common among adolescent and in individuals who wear occlusive shoes. And its more common in summer months.

What causes athlete’ s foot fungus
Causes of this fungus is trichophytom .this is the fungus which is most causative of athlete’s foot fungus.

 who can get athlete’s foot fungus
·         Wear a closed shoes ,especillay if they are plastic lined {viatu vya kufunika vyenye platic nadni]
·         Keep your feet wet for a long time {miguu kuwa ina unyevunyevu kwa muda mrefu]
·         Develop minor skin or nail injury {kuwa na vidonda kwenye miguu]
·         Sweat a lot. [miguu kutoka jasho sana]

Signs of and symptoms of athlete’s foot fungus
·         Itching and burning of the foot [kuuma na miguu kuwak moto]
·         Dry skin [ngozi kavu]
·         Scaling [vidonda]
·         Inflammation [miliko/michubuko]
·         Blisters lead to cracking of skin [mipasuko pasuko kwenye miguu]

Type of athlete’s foot fungus

Toe web infection type
Thi occur between the fourth and little toe,but it can occur between any area of your toe.

Moccasin infection type
Involves soreness on the sole or heel of your skin feet.and in severe infection this can spread into the nails and lead to nails lost.

Vacular infection type
This involves by identified by fluid filed bliter that apper on the feet.but also can appear on the top of the heel.

How to prevent athlete’s foot fungus
·         At home,first take your shoes off and put them in the air to make them dry
·         Change your socks after after sweat or change it regularly.
·         Avoid walking bare foot.
·         Avoid borrowing of shoes

This can be treatment of that fungus
·         Use anti-fungal cream or spray
·         Take oral tablets
·         Wash your feet regularly and thoroughly using soap and water.
·         After washing dry your feet, paying particular attention to the area between your toe
·         Wear clean cotton socks
·         Change your shoes and socks regularly to keep the feet dry
·         Do not share towel, and wash your towel regularly. Read other health topics here


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