UTI is the most common medical complication of pregnancy, either asymptomatic (ASB

of pregnancy) or symptomatic (cystitis or acute pyelonephritis). Although most UTIs in

pregnancy are asymptomatic, covert bacteriuria increases the risk of preterm birth

and low-birthweight infants.

It has long been recognized that symptomatic UTI is more frequently encountered in pregnant women. This suggests that factors are present during gestation that allow bacteria to replicate in the urine and ascend to the upper urinary tract.

Several findings support this view. The normal female urinary tract undergoes dramatic physiologic changes during pregnancy. There is decreased ureteric muscle tone and

activity, which results in a reduced rate of passage of urine throughout the urinary collecting system. The upper ureter and renal pelvises become dilated, resulting in a physiologic hydronephrosis of pregnancy. This hydronephrosis is a result of the effects of progesterone on muscle tone and peristalsis, and most importantly, mechanical obstruction by the enlarging uterus. Bladder changes also occur in pregnancy, including decreased tone, increased capacity, and incomplete emptying. These findings predispose to vesicoureteric reflux. These physiologic alterations associated with pregnancy facilitate the ascending migration of bacteria into the upper urinary tract once bladder infection is established.


It is also possible that alterations in the physical or chemical properties of urine during pregnancy can result in exacerbations of bacteriuria, thus predisposing to ascending infection. Urinary pH elevation during pregnancy encourages bacterial growth.Glycosuria, which is common in pregnancy, may favor an increase in the rate of bacterial multiplication. The increased urinary excretion of estrogen may be a factor in the pathogenesis of symptomatic UTI during pregnancy. It has been demonstrated by means of animal experiments that estrogen can enhance the growth of strains of E. coli that cause pyelonephritis and also predispose the animal to the development of renal infection. In addition, the renal medulla is particularly susceptible to infection because its hypertonic environment inhibits leukocyte migration, phagocytosis, and

complement activity .

 Bacteria and pyelonephritis

Acute pyelonephritis, one of the most frequent medical complications of pregnancy, is a serious threat to maternal and fetal well-being. The association between acute pyelonephritis of pregnancy and preterm delivery was appreciated in the preantibiotic era, with prematurity rates of 20% to 50% being reported (199,200,201 and 202).

Subsequent studies in the post antibiotic era have confirmed this association between acute pyelonephritis and an increased risk of premature delivery More recently, Millar and Cox (93) noted

that the contribution of pyelonephritis to preterm birth and low birth weight is confounded by socioeconomic status, which is closely related to both prematurity and UTI and thus difficult to ascertain. However, they concluded that the weight of evidence demonstrates that pyelonephritis is associated with preterm birth and low birthweight, but the strength of the association is unknown.

In the past, several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this association,including (a) pyrogens increase myometrial activity ; (b) ureteric contractions result in reflex myometrial contractions ; (c) endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria

associated with pyelonephritis has a direct oxytocic effect on the myometrium or (d) endotoxin crosses the placenta, resulting in fetal effects culminating in preterm labor. Newer theories suggest that bacterial enzymes such as proteases and collagenase may weaken membranes, predisposing them to rupture and initiating the onset of labor. In addition, bacterial products such as phospholipase A and C or endotoxins may stimulate synthesis of prostaglandins from the membranes or decidua,

which initiates labor. More importantly, these bacterial products stimulate the monocytes and macrophages of the immune system to release cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor, and platelet activating factor, which in turn trigger prostaglandin production.

The concept of quantitative urine cultures, which made it possible to determine when infection of the urinary tract was present in individuals without symptoms or signs of UTI, was a major contribution to the understanding of the pathogenesis of

Bacteriuria And Preterm Delivery And Low-Birthweight Infants


It is well documented that pregnant women who develop acute pyelonephritis are at a
significantly increased risk for preterm labor and delivery. In contrast, the relationship of
ASB to preterm delivery, low-birthweight, small for gestational age babies, and fetal
mortality has been controversial


Nosocomial Urinary Tract Infection.

Hospital-acquired UTIs are among the most frequent of nosocomial infections. An exact prevalence for nosocomial UTIs is difficult to come by because of various surveillance
systems and different definitions (i.e., clinically manifest infection versus laboratory evidence of significant bacteriuria).

Bacteria that cause catheter-associated UTI gain access to the urinary tract by three major routes. The first is introduction of microorganisms from the external genitalia or distal urethra into the bladder at the time of catheterization. In general, bacteria

introduced in this way are well tolerated and controlled by voiding and the antibacterial defense mechanism of the bladder . A second mechanism by which bacteria gain access to the bladder is via a thin film of urethral fluid on the outside of the catheter. Catheters have been shown to contain biofilm on their surface.

Bacteria contained within such biofilms are protected from antibiotics and the natural defense provided by flow of urine.

Third, once the drainage system has been contaminated, bacteria may migrate up inside the catheter lumen. Turck and Stamm believe that the intraluminal ascending route accounted for most

nosocomial UTIs. Such contamination may be due to failure to use sterile technique in disconnecting the catheter and drainage tube to obtain a specimen or to irrigate the catheter . In advertent disconnection occurs and frequently results in contamination. An additional important factor in the pathogenesis of catheter-associated

UTI is cross-contamination of catheters by transmission of bacteria from patient to patient on the hands of hospital personnel.


Treatment And Prevention

In general, we do not use antimicrobial agents to treat those patients in whom bacteriuria occurs during catheterization, but who remain asymptomatic. This concern relates to the risk of persistent colonization or emergence of more resistant nosocomial organisms. Fortunately, in many such situations, removal of the catheter results in eradication of the bacteriuria. If signs and symptoms of cystitis or acute pyelonephritis occur with the presence of an indwelling catheter, systemic antimicrobial therapy should be administered for 10 to 14 days. In addition, if bacteriuria without symptoms persists

once the catheter is removed, treatment should be initiated. Regimens similar to those used in treating acute cystitis are appropriate for this situation .

The most important and effective method for prevention of nosocomial UTIs is to limit the use of indwelling catheters only to instances in which they are necessary. Additional preventive measures have been recommended (a) Urinary catheters should be removed as soon as possible; (b) only adequately trained hospital personnel should insert urinary catheters; (c) use of aseptic technique in inserting catheters to avoid

introducing bacteria; (d) cleansing the metal catheter junction with soap and water once or twice a day to reduce periurethral bacterial contamination; (e) maintain unobstructed “downhill” flow in a closed drainage system; (f) disconnect the drainage system only to irrigate an obstructed catheter, not to obtain specimens or to routinely irrigate; and (g)whenever feasible, separate catheterized patients from each other to preventcross-contamination.

Proposed measures to aid in prevention but for which supporting data are lacking to demonstrate an advantage over a closed drainage system include the following: (a) a flutter valve to prevent reflux of urine from the collection bag to the drainage tube; (b) continuous bladder irrigation via a triple-lumen catheter with either acetic acid or a neomycin-polymyxin solution; (c) use of suprapubic catheterization; and (d) prophylactic systemic antibiotics.

The final aspect of catheter care is to obtain a follow-up culture after the catheter is removed and to institute appropriate antimicrobial therapy if significant bacteriuria persists after removal of the catheter.

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