Job opportunity Strengtherning Civil Society Voice and State Resposiveness and Accountability to Protect Older Women at HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL TANZANIA
Full Time job
Job Summary
The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the impact of the project on the target population and to analyse the project’s contribution towards the set objectives against the background and situation before and after the intervention of this project.
Minimum Qualification: Unspecified
Experience Level: Senior level
Experience Length: 10 years
Job Description
Project duration 1 st April 2017 to 31 st March 2019
Implementing partners and project location
HelpAge International Tanzania, Principal Implementer (PI) Magu Poverty Rehabilitation Centre (MAPERECE)in Mwanza region and Tanzania Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment (TAWLAE) in Shinyanga region. The Project being implemented in four districts of Nzega (Tabora region), Misungwi (Mwanza Region), Kishapu (Shinyanga region) and Chato in (Geita region).
HelpAge Ref TAN 265
EU Ref: EIDHR/2016 – 382 – 961 (European Union Funded)
1. Background and Rationale
HelpAge International and its local partner Magu Poverty Rehabilitation Centre (MAPERECE) and Tanzania Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment(TAWLAE) have been implementing a two years project to Strengthen the role and Participation of Civil society, community groups, and government bodies to prevent and address discrimination, violence and abuse due to witchcraft accusations, against older people, particularly older women in rural Tanzania.
The four project results are the following:
- 640 community and family leaders and 29,800 community members in 16 villages have improved attitudes, behaviours, and practices towards older women, older men and persons with albinism and take action to protect these groups from all forms of abuse
- 3,500 older people (52% women) have access to improved protection services and legal and psychosocial support
- State institutions at central and local level are held more accountable in upholding older women and men’s rights and effectively protect them from violence and abuse
- A new national law on older people’s rights, which incorporates state commitment to the rights and the protection of older men and women from any form of discrimination, violence and abuse, is passed and effectively applied.
The project is implemented in 16 villages from 4 districts in four regions of Mwanza, Tabora, Shinyanga and Geita. Each district had four villages as follows; Mwamala, Kishiri, Upungu and Busondo (Nzega); Itilima, Mwajiginya, Unyanyembe and Wela (Kishapu). Other villages are Ibongoya A, Bugomba, Igenge and Ngaya (Misungwi) and Imwelo, Mwabagalu, Ipalamasa and Kinsabe (Chato).
The violation of older people’s fundamental rights is widespread and includes extreme cases of violence and murder particularly older women. As per National ageing policy (2003) older person is an individual who is 60 years and above. The Tanzania population and hosing census (2012) indicates that population of older people was 2,507,568 out of 44.9 million of the total population. This constitutes 5.6% of the total population majority of these lives in rural areas.
Over the past years, there has been a widespread belief in witchcraft and subsequent persecution and killings targeting older people (OP) suspected of practicing witchcraft. This believe and practices has led to the loss of life, dismembering, causing physical and emotional harm, fear and trauma to OP who continue to face the risk of witch craft accusations. The acts have serious violations of fundamental human rights of individual person either by painting them as witches or as suspects of causing misfortunes and catastrophes happens in the areas. The other group which is seriously affected are People with disability and in particular people with Albino who in the past recent years were mostly targeted for the believes that their body parts has mystical power that can bringing wealth the context in which accusations of witchcraft are made is complex. Deep seated cultural beliefs,the low status of women, poverty, and the need to apportion blame and seek redress for a negative event, such as a death in the family, all contribute to a culture in which these allegations and subsequent violence are tolerated. Older women are often among the majority targeted due to their low social status, gender discrimination, illiteracy, and their inability to defend themselves. Sometimes such allegations are linked to personal jealousy,family vendettas, need of land ownership, inheritance of property and livestock and conflicts in the event of widowhood, family members wishing to take control of property and assets.
Systematically collected evidence by the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) indicateda total of 425 people have been killed as a result of witchcraft accusations by 2015 with a worrying increase in areas where such cases were uncommon before. Recent incidents however indicate that there has been a spread of such cases of violence to other parts of the country unlike previous where high incidence was reported in lake zone regions. According to Police Force Statistics of 2014 -2017 a total of 572 older persons were murdered linked to accusations of practicing witchcraft. Tabora region recording high number of killings, followed by Mbeya, Shinyanga, Mwanza, Simiyu, Kigoma and Njombe regions. From this trend you can see that there is a widespread of these incidences from the lake zone regions to western and northwest regions of Tanzania. The recent media reports (January – February 2019) and confirmation from the Minister of Home Affairs, Police Force and Njombe Region leaders a total of 8 children were killed and at least 4 has survived serious injuries attempted to be killed in association to witchcraft believes.
Tanzania has ratified international and regional treaties that safeguard and protect this right.These instruments have established international and regional principles that every human being has and that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to life. The Constitution,places a key role for the protection of the right to life by the society, communities, the Government, and law enforcement bodies. However, the continued incidents of witch craft killings of OP and the killings of PWAs, point to the failure of this fundamental responsibility.
The Project on Strengthening Civil Society Voice and State Responsiveness and Accountability to Protect Older Women and Men from all forms of Violence attempted to address these vile cultures and believes by designing community level intervations structures starting right from the family level, community and village level while being closely integrated with the existing formal structures of government leadership in those levels to work together and redress the challenges. The formed structures at family and community level includes,family mentors and intergeneerational community monitoring group or sometimes known as community change agents. The interventions also went hand in hand with providing basic legal education through established and trained community paralegals that involved older persons themselves. The project also intervened in schools to sensitize childrens rights at the earlier stages to disgust these believes.
At the village level community members are sensitized on the rights of older people through organized awareness meetings and formed community structures. Furthermore, older people are trained as community-based paralegals, spokespersons and activists to challenge negative community altitudes and prejudices against older people. At community level also the projects work with established older people forums which are now recognize by government secular to represent the needs of older people at different administrative authorities; at the same time the project works with other civil society organizations to sensitize community in their areas, administrative structures the police and courts to have positive and better look into cases related to discrimination and violence against older people. At the national level a number of engagement meetings are conducted by older people’s representatives and senior government decision makers including ministers, senior government officials and Members of Parliament. The experiences and issues of older people are exchanged through various local and national forums across the sector ministries. As the result of these meetings and engagement we have been able to develop a National Strategy to Eradicate Elderly Killings in Tanzania 2018/19 -2022/2023. Media has also been playing its vital role in informing and advocating for issues of older people. The key notable success is the formation of media personnel’s friends of older people network which has members across the country. Key people in the police, administration, National Human Rights organisations, the courts are involved actively and continuously following cases of violence against older people and ensuring perpetrators face the law.
2. Purpose of the Final Evaluation
The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the impact of the project on the target population and to analyse the project’s contribution towards the set objectives against the background and situation before and after the intervention of this project. The evaluation will address among other things the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, empowerment of communities, sustainability and value for money. The evaluation will also asses as to what extent gender issues has significant contribution to the manifestations of these vile cultures.
Key areas to be assessed will include;
Evaluate the impacts of the project against the anticipated results by referring to the project logical framework matrix;
Assess the overall implementation procedures, partnership and participation of beneficiaries and stakeholders at all stages;
Assess the relevance of the planned interventions as well as the effectiveness, efficiency, impact/outcome and sustainability of the project activities;
Find out strengths, limitations, best practices lessons learned and challenges faced during project implementation;
With serious Note: the team will need to assess the extent to which Gender issues are linked to the escalation of these violence and persecutions of older women in large numbers.
Provide recommendations to HelpAge International Tanzania, and EC strategies for better implementation of similar projects in the future.
3. Scope of Work
The final evaluation will focus on the performance of the project “Strengthening Civil Society Voice and State Responsiveness and Accountability to Protect Older Women and Men from all forms of Violence in Tanzania.” The evaluation will cover eight villages out of sixteen implementing villages. The planned villages and respective wards are;
Region District Wards Villages
Mwanza- Misungwi - Kolomije (Bongoya ‘A’), Mbarika (Igenge)
Geita - Chato- Iparamasa (Iparamasa), Buselesele ( Kinsabe)
Shinyanga - Kishapu - Itilima (Itilima) , Uchonga (Unyanyembe)
Tabora - Nzega - Mwamala (Mwamala), Puge (Busondo)
The final evaluation will address at least the following central questions about the overall
impact of the project:
a) Has the project enabled older people and the wider community members to:
i) Improve their understanding of the rights of older people and taking actions to challenge negative prejudices?
ii) Improve the confidence of the trained family mentors, community paralegals, intergenerational monitoring groups in discharging their duties and provideinformation on older people’s rights and entitlements to OPF leaders and other authorities?
b) Has the local government authority leaders including the police, judiciary and social welfare departments being actively working to challenge harmful practices?
c) Has the media and civil society organisations at different levels mainstream ageing issues throughout their programme activities?
d) Are the project activities changing attitudes about the need to respect older people and restore their dignity?
e) Is the project methodology strengthening local and national institutional capacities and enhancing sustainability to protect and promote the rights of older people?
f) Has the project influenced policy review, strategy or program at national level to older people’s rights as the national agenda?
g) How has the project created better understanding of gender discrimination and violence against women as a result of traditions that regard women as less valuable?
h) How has the act of violence and killings due to these vile cultures associated with gender relations and patriarchist values in those communities.
i) Establish the extent to which violence against older men and women due to witchcraft accusations is linked to gender violence and ageism and recommendations to counteract these negative effects.
NOTE: The aspect of Gender from question (g, h & i) will need to have a separate summary report for the aim of highlight its significance due to its prevalence. All available statistics (both of police and human rights organisations) indicates that women and in particular older women are mostly targeted. This purpose to strengthen evidence on the link between gender and age and how these intersect and increase the vulnerability of older women to witchcraft accusations.
j) Moreover, the evaluation will be enriched by case studies and documented best practices as part of the project’s contribution for improving the condition of older people in particular older women.
In view of this the evaluation will primarily draw on the experiences of:
Older women and men, as well as people with Albinism
Members of the local community
District, regional and national -level authorities
The implementing organisation’s (HelpAge Tanzania, TAWLAE and MAPERECE) project staff at all levels
The Regional/ District Police Commanders, in all Implementing Regions and Districts and the Special Task Force Lead Personnel in Mwanza.
Human Rights organisation (CHRAGG and LHRC)
Government Ministry and other key stakeholders from the MHCDEC and PO-RALG.
Evaluation Methodology
The methodology of the evaluation will be designed using tools that guarantee participation, evidence-based impact testimony at all levels, triangulation and independence of the process of evaluation. The evaluation should focus on gathering testimonies of older people, especially victims of violence and abuse and older women’s perspective through focus group discussions and case studies.
Specifically, the evaluation team is required to document case studies that can link up with appropriate interventions for follow up actions and resourcing. The following strategy is recommended:
Focus group discussions with the following participants (recommended):
Participants of paralegal trainings
Participants for family mentors
Participants of intergeneration monitoring/ change agent monitoring group
Theatre / Youth groups
School clubs
Older People Forums.
Secondary Data: Secondary data review (reports etc.) and other important documentation mechanisms will be utilized to document the activities completed by project staff, as well as to plan interviews and survey samples. Some accomplishments noted in project reports may be verified in the course of the primary data collection
5. Outputs and Deliverables
The consultant will produce the following materials:
a) Inception Report with evaluation tools submitted in soft copy within one-week days from the signing of the evaluation agreement. The inception report will include methodologies and tools for the evaluation
b) Final evaluation report submitted in 1 hard copy and in electronic form. The report should include comparison of levels of achievements vs the targets set on the project logframe and detailed analysis of the activities, challenge, key lessons, and best practices, qualitative and quantitative impacts of the project, recommendations and case stories as outlined in section 3 (j) above.
All data in the report should be disaggregated by age, sex and disability: The report should be supported with;
c) Pictures taken during evaluation
d) Case studies and or best practices the beneficiaries in relation to violence and abuse
e) List of people interviewed or met
f) Summary records and dates of the events held
6. Expert Profile of the Evaluation Team
In order to carry out this final evaluation exercise, the evaluation team should have the following core competencies, educational and social research work experiences:
Ability to research, collate and synthesize a range of information and data (qualitative and quantitative) into useful, strategic and practical analysis and recommendations
Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people within community, Government officials, development agencies at various levels Demonstrates sensitivity, tact and diplomacy, and projects a positive image
Ability to write high quality and concise technical report with high proficiency in written and spoken English, within agreed terms of reference and deadlines
Education and Experience:
At least 10 years of relevant and diversified professional experience in development work
Proven experience in conducting evaluations of complex social development programs and research
Proven experience in participatory reviews and research, and capacity assessments
Knowledge on discrimination and violence against vulnerable groups such as older people
Knowledge on Gender diversity and discrimination in association to tradition and cultural values.
7. Duration of work
The consultant will have maximum of 14 days from signing of agreement to complete the assignment.
8. Expression of Interest
Interested individual are requested to apply by submitting their expression of interest describing their expertise and background experience. The expression of interest should explain briefly:
1. Your Proposal for both the technical and financial statements of carrying the assignment.
2. Your financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fee and direct costs to be referred
3. Your Proposal should also explain on competencies to meet and provide analysed information as outlined in this TOR
4. You should also attach (as annex) an example of a relevant piece of work undertaken by the applicant.
How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
All interest Applicant should submit their application by 25th February 2019 to the office
Manager, HelpAge international P.O.Box 9846, Dar es salaam, by email to
Full Time job
Job Summary
The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the impact of the project on the target population and to analyse the project’s contribution towards the set objectives against the background and situation before and after the intervention of this project.
Minimum Qualification: Unspecified
Experience Level: Senior level
Experience Length: 10 years
Job Description
Project duration 1 st April 2017 to 31 st March 2019
Implementing partners and project location
HelpAge International Tanzania, Principal Implementer (PI) Magu Poverty Rehabilitation Centre (MAPERECE)in Mwanza region and Tanzania Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment (TAWLAE) in Shinyanga region. The Project being implemented in four districts of Nzega (Tabora region), Misungwi (Mwanza Region), Kishapu (Shinyanga region) and Chato in (Geita region).
HelpAge Ref TAN 265
EU Ref: EIDHR/2016 – 382 – 961 (European Union Funded)
1. Background and Rationale
HelpAge International and its local partner Magu Poverty Rehabilitation Centre (MAPERECE) and Tanzania Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment(TAWLAE) have been implementing a two years project to Strengthen the role and Participation of Civil society, community groups, and government bodies to prevent and address discrimination, violence and abuse due to witchcraft accusations, against older people, particularly older women in rural Tanzania.
The four project results are the following:
- 640 community and family leaders and 29,800 community members in 16 villages have improved attitudes, behaviours, and practices towards older women, older men and persons with albinism and take action to protect these groups from all forms of abuse
- 3,500 older people (52% women) have access to improved protection services and legal and psychosocial support
- State institutions at central and local level are held more accountable in upholding older women and men’s rights and effectively protect them from violence and abuse
- A new national law on older people’s rights, which incorporates state commitment to the rights and the protection of older men and women from any form of discrimination, violence and abuse, is passed and effectively applied.
The project is implemented in 16 villages from 4 districts in four regions of Mwanza, Tabora, Shinyanga and Geita. Each district had four villages as follows; Mwamala, Kishiri, Upungu and Busondo (Nzega); Itilima, Mwajiginya, Unyanyembe and Wela (Kishapu). Other villages are Ibongoya A, Bugomba, Igenge and Ngaya (Misungwi) and Imwelo, Mwabagalu, Ipalamasa and Kinsabe (Chato).
The violation of older people’s fundamental rights is widespread and includes extreme cases of violence and murder particularly older women. As per National ageing policy (2003) older person is an individual who is 60 years and above. The Tanzania population and hosing census (2012) indicates that population of older people was 2,507,568 out of 44.9 million of the total population. This constitutes 5.6% of the total population majority of these lives in rural areas.
Over the past years, there has been a widespread belief in witchcraft and subsequent persecution and killings targeting older people (OP) suspected of practicing witchcraft. This believe and practices has led to the loss of life, dismembering, causing physical and emotional harm, fear and trauma to OP who continue to face the risk of witch craft accusations. The acts have serious violations of fundamental human rights of individual person either by painting them as witches or as suspects of causing misfortunes and catastrophes happens in the areas. The other group which is seriously affected are People with disability and in particular people with Albino who in the past recent years were mostly targeted for the believes that their body parts has mystical power that can bringing wealth the context in which accusations of witchcraft are made is complex. Deep seated cultural beliefs,the low status of women, poverty, and the need to apportion blame and seek redress for a negative event, such as a death in the family, all contribute to a culture in which these allegations and subsequent violence are tolerated. Older women are often among the majority targeted due to their low social status, gender discrimination, illiteracy, and their inability to defend themselves. Sometimes such allegations are linked to personal jealousy,family vendettas, need of land ownership, inheritance of property and livestock and conflicts in the event of widowhood, family members wishing to take control of property and assets.
Systematically collected evidence by the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) indicateda total of 425 people have been killed as a result of witchcraft accusations by 2015 with a worrying increase in areas where such cases were uncommon before. Recent incidents however indicate that there has been a spread of such cases of violence to other parts of the country unlike previous where high incidence was reported in lake zone regions. According to Police Force Statistics of 2014 -2017 a total of 572 older persons were murdered linked to accusations of practicing witchcraft. Tabora region recording high number of killings, followed by Mbeya, Shinyanga, Mwanza, Simiyu, Kigoma and Njombe regions. From this trend you can see that there is a widespread of these incidences from the lake zone regions to western and northwest regions of Tanzania. The recent media reports (January – February 2019) and confirmation from the Minister of Home Affairs, Police Force and Njombe Region leaders a total of 8 children were killed and at least 4 has survived serious injuries attempted to be killed in association to witchcraft believes.
Tanzania has ratified international and regional treaties that safeguard and protect this right.These instruments have established international and regional principles that every human being has and that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to life. The Constitution,places a key role for the protection of the right to life by the society, communities, the Government, and law enforcement bodies. However, the continued incidents of witch craft killings of OP and the killings of PWAs, point to the failure of this fundamental responsibility.
The Project on Strengthening Civil Society Voice and State Responsiveness and Accountability to Protect Older Women and Men from all forms of Violence attempted to address these vile cultures and believes by designing community level intervations structures starting right from the family level, community and village level while being closely integrated with the existing formal structures of government leadership in those levels to work together and redress the challenges. The formed structures at family and community level includes,family mentors and intergeneerational community monitoring group or sometimes known as community change agents. The interventions also went hand in hand with providing basic legal education through established and trained community paralegals that involved older persons themselves. The project also intervened in schools to sensitize childrens rights at the earlier stages to disgust these believes.
At the village level community members are sensitized on the rights of older people through organized awareness meetings and formed community structures. Furthermore, older people are trained as community-based paralegals, spokespersons and activists to challenge negative community altitudes and prejudices against older people. At community level also the projects work with established older people forums which are now recognize by government secular to represent the needs of older people at different administrative authorities; at the same time the project works with other civil society organizations to sensitize community in their areas, administrative structures the police and courts to have positive and better look into cases related to discrimination and violence against older people. At the national level a number of engagement meetings are conducted by older people’s representatives and senior government decision makers including ministers, senior government officials and Members of Parliament. The experiences and issues of older people are exchanged through various local and national forums across the sector ministries. As the result of these meetings and engagement we have been able to develop a National Strategy to Eradicate Elderly Killings in Tanzania 2018/19 -2022/2023. Media has also been playing its vital role in informing and advocating for issues of older people. The key notable success is the formation of media personnel’s friends of older people network which has members across the country. Key people in the police, administration, National Human Rights organisations, the courts are involved actively and continuously following cases of violence against older people and ensuring perpetrators face the law.
2. Purpose of the Final Evaluation
The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the impact of the project on the target population and to analyse the project’s contribution towards the set objectives against the background and situation before and after the intervention of this project. The evaluation will address among other things the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, empowerment of communities, sustainability and value for money. The evaluation will also asses as to what extent gender issues has significant contribution to the manifestations of these vile cultures.
Key areas to be assessed will include;
Evaluate the impacts of the project against the anticipated results by referring to the project logical framework matrix;
Assess the overall implementation procedures, partnership and participation of beneficiaries and stakeholders at all stages;
Assess the relevance of the planned interventions as well as the effectiveness, efficiency, impact/outcome and sustainability of the project activities;
Find out strengths, limitations, best practices lessons learned and challenges faced during project implementation;
With serious Note: the team will need to assess the extent to which Gender issues are linked to the escalation of these violence and persecutions of older women in large numbers.
Provide recommendations to HelpAge International Tanzania, and EC strategies for better implementation of similar projects in the future.
3. Scope of Work
The final evaluation will focus on the performance of the project “Strengthening Civil Society Voice and State Responsiveness and Accountability to Protect Older Women and Men from all forms of Violence in Tanzania.” The evaluation will cover eight villages out of sixteen implementing villages. The planned villages and respective wards are;
Region District Wards Villages
Mwanza- Misungwi - Kolomije (Bongoya ‘A’), Mbarika (Igenge)
Geita - Chato- Iparamasa (Iparamasa), Buselesele ( Kinsabe)
Shinyanga - Kishapu - Itilima (Itilima) , Uchonga (Unyanyembe)
Tabora - Nzega - Mwamala (Mwamala), Puge (Busondo)
The final evaluation will address at least the following central questions about the overall
impact of the project:
a) Has the project enabled older people and the wider community members to:
i) Improve their understanding of the rights of older people and taking actions to challenge negative prejudices?
ii) Improve the confidence of the trained family mentors, community paralegals, intergenerational monitoring groups in discharging their duties and provideinformation on older people’s rights and entitlements to OPF leaders and other authorities?
b) Has the local government authority leaders including the police, judiciary and social welfare departments being actively working to challenge harmful practices?
c) Has the media and civil society organisations at different levels mainstream ageing issues throughout their programme activities?
d) Are the project activities changing attitudes about the need to respect older people and restore their dignity?
e) Is the project methodology strengthening local and national institutional capacities and enhancing sustainability to protect and promote the rights of older people?
f) Has the project influenced policy review, strategy or program at national level to older people’s rights as the national agenda?
g) How has the project created better understanding of gender discrimination and violence against women as a result of traditions that regard women as less valuable?
h) How has the act of violence and killings due to these vile cultures associated with gender relations and patriarchist values in those communities.
i) Establish the extent to which violence against older men and women due to witchcraft accusations is linked to gender violence and ageism and recommendations to counteract these negative effects.
NOTE: The aspect of Gender from question (g, h & i) will need to have a separate summary report for the aim of highlight its significance due to its prevalence. All available statistics (both of police and human rights organisations) indicates that women and in particular older women are mostly targeted. This purpose to strengthen evidence on the link between gender and age and how these intersect and increase the vulnerability of older women to witchcraft accusations.
j) Moreover, the evaluation will be enriched by case studies and documented best practices as part of the project’s contribution for improving the condition of older people in particular older women.
In view of this the evaluation will primarily draw on the experiences of:
Older women and men, as well as people with Albinism
Members of the local community
District, regional and national -level authorities
The implementing organisation’s (HelpAge Tanzania, TAWLAE and MAPERECE) project staff at all levels
The Regional/ District Police Commanders, in all Implementing Regions and Districts and the Special Task Force Lead Personnel in Mwanza.
Human Rights organisation (CHRAGG and LHRC)
Government Ministry and other key stakeholders from the MHCDEC and PO-RALG.
Evaluation Methodology
The methodology of the evaluation will be designed using tools that guarantee participation, evidence-based impact testimony at all levels, triangulation and independence of the process of evaluation. The evaluation should focus on gathering testimonies of older people, especially victims of violence and abuse and older women’s perspective through focus group discussions and case studies.
Specifically, the evaluation team is required to document case studies that can link up with appropriate interventions for follow up actions and resourcing. The following strategy is recommended:
Focus group discussions with the following participants (recommended):
Participants of paralegal trainings
Participants for family mentors
Participants of intergeneration monitoring/ change agent monitoring group
Theatre / Youth groups
School clubs
Older People Forums.
Secondary Data: Secondary data review (reports etc.) and other important documentation mechanisms will be utilized to document the activities completed by project staff, as well as to plan interviews and survey samples. Some accomplishments noted in project reports may be verified in the course of the primary data collection
5. Outputs and Deliverables
The consultant will produce the following materials:
a) Inception Report with evaluation tools submitted in soft copy within one-week days from the signing of the evaluation agreement. The inception report will include methodologies and tools for the evaluation
b) Final evaluation report submitted in 1 hard copy and in electronic form. The report should include comparison of levels of achievements vs the targets set on the project logframe and detailed analysis of the activities, challenge, key lessons, and best practices, qualitative and quantitative impacts of the project, recommendations and case stories as outlined in section 3 (j) above.
All data in the report should be disaggregated by age, sex and disability: The report should be supported with;
c) Pictures taken during evaluation
d) Case studies and or best practices the beneficiaries in relation to violence and abuse
e) List of people interviewed or met
f) Summary records and dates of the events held
6. Expert Profile of the Evaluation Team
In order to carry out this final evaluation exercise, the evaluation team should have the following core competencies, educational and social research work experiences:
Ability to research, collate and synthesize a range of information and data (qualitative and quantitative) into useful, strategic and practical analysis and recommendations
Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people within community, Government officials, development agencies at various levels Demonstrates sensitivity, tact and diplomacy, and projects a positive image
Ability to write high quality and concise technical report with high proficiency in written and spoken English, within agreed terms of reference and deadlines
Education and Experience:
At least 10 years of relevant and diversified professional experience in development work
Proven experience in conducting evaluations of complex social development programs and research
Proven experience in participatory reviews and research, and capacity assessments
Knowledge on discrimination and violence against vulnerable groups such as older people
Knowledge on Gender diversity and discrimination in association to tradition and cultural values.
7. Duration of work
The consultant will have maximum of 14 days from signing of agreement to complete the assignment.
8. Expression of Interest
Interested individual are requested to apply by submitting their expression of interest describing their expertise and background experience. The expression of interest should explain briefly:
1. Your Proposal for both the technical and financial statements of carrying the assignment.
2. Your financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fee and direct costs to be referred
3. Your Proposal should also explain on competencies to meet and provide analysed information as outlined in this TOR
4. You should also attach (as annex) an example of a relevant piece of work undertaken by the applicant.
How to Apply?
Please manually apply for this job using the details below:
All interest Applicant should submit their application by 25th February 2019 to the office
Manager, HelpAge international P.O.Box 9846, Dar es salaam, by email to