Invitation For Expression Of Interest For Conducting Year Ends Auditing For Rafiki-Sdo Company: Rafiki Social Development Organization

Invitation For Expression Of Interest For Conducting Year Ends Auditing For Rafiki-Sdo

Company: Rafiki Social Development Organization

Part Time job
Job Summary
Our Ref: RAFIKI-SDO/AUDIT/ 01/19.Rafiki Social Development Organization known by its abbreviated form as Rafiki -SDO is a membership Non-Governmental

Minimum Qualification: Masters
Experience Level: Management level
Experience Length: 3 years
Job Description
Rafiki Social Development Organization known by its abbreviated form as Rafiki -SDO is a membership Non-Governmental and Nonprofit making  Organization working to promote the rights of children, youth, and other marginalized vulnerable groups of people in the community so as they can realize their rights and reach their full potential. Rafiki-SDO was established in January 2005 and registered in September 2005 under the NGO Act of 2002, issued a certificate No.18NGO/0940 to operate in  Shinyanga region. In May 2013 Rafiki –SDO was mandated to operate in the whole of Tanzania mainland by being issued a Certificate No. 00NGO/OOOO6336.

RAFIKI-SDO has its head quarter in Kahama Town Council,Mhongolo ward,Mhongolo street and branch offices in Shinyanga Municipal Council and Musoma Municipal Council.

 RAFIKI-SDO is currently undertaking several projects funded by various development partners.

 RAFIKI-SDO is required by its constitution to be audited annually and report tabled to its members during the Annual General Meeting with its financial year running from January to December each year. Audit report is usually shared by donors and other stakeholders and should be ready within three months from the end of the year of audit.

 RAFIKI-SDO invites Expression of Interest from a suitably qualified and experienced local audit firms to perform annual audit of the year ended 31st December 2018.


The audit will be conducted in accordance with International Standard on Auditing (ISA) as published by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) with reference to other National Standards, and provide audit opinion as to whether the Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and  are in compliance with the constitution establishing the Association.

In conducting the audit, special attention should be paid on the following:

1.      Funds have been used in accordance with the relevant general conditions, relevant financing agreements and disbursement letters, with due attention to economy and efficiency, and only for the purpose for which the financing was provided.

2.      Necessary supporting documents, records, and accounts have been kept.

3.      The accounting records has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards and best accounting practices and give a true and fair view of the financial position of RAFIKI-SDO as at year -end and of the resources and expenditures for the fiscal year ending.

4.      Review compliance on each of the financial covenants as per the donor agreements to ensure compliance for the conditions under which the funds were released.

In 2018  estimated annual income ranges 1,000,000,000/=TZS to 1,500,000,000/= TZS for all projects.


The Auditors on completion of the audit work will submit five (5) original copies of the Audit Report appended to the Financial Statements.
Five (5) Management letter in accordance with the scope of work described here before.

 The suitable company will be required to:

Be registered with National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA).
Have extensive experiences in audit field.
Have a strong track record in conducting financial audit systems for non-profit organizations.

Interested audit firms are requested to provide following information in their Expression of Interest:

A statement confirming the capacity to perform the scope of work
A statement of skills and qualifications of personnel to be involved
The proposed methodology
A quotation for performing the task.

Qualified audit firms that meet the above requirements are invited to submit a letter expressing interest in and suitability for the assignment above.

 The bid can be sent by hand to the physical address above, or by post to the address below not later than 17:00 hrs on Monday 4th  February 2018   

The Executive Director,

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