job opportunities Term Of Reference: Research Study On Provision Of Sayana Press by CHWs in shinyanga and Kahama| november 2018 |Minimum Qualification: Unspecified

job opportunities Term Of Reference: Research Study On Provision Of Sayana Press by CHWs in shinyanga and Kahama| november 2018 |Minimum Qualification: Unspecified

Pathfinder International

Full Time

Job Summary

This study will assessthe feasibility of introducing delivery of subcutaneous Sayana Press DMPA injection by trained community health workers.

Minimum Qualification: Unspecified

Experience Level: Senior level

Experience Length: 3 years

Job Description

Term of Reference: Research Study on provision of Sayana Press by CHWs

Research Study on CHW delivery of Sayana Press at the community level through Community Health Workers in Shinyanga DC and Kahama TC

1. Background

Pathfinder’s mission is to champion sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) worldwide, mobilizing communities most in need to break through barriers and forge their own path to a healthier future. We envision a world where everyone has access to contraception, where there are zero new HIV infections, where no woman dies from preventable pregnancy-related complications, and where everyone leads a healthy sexual and reproductive life.

In Tanzania, Pathfinder International/Tanzania is implementing the second phase of the ‘Maamuzi YakoKesho Yako’ project in Shinyanga region. This is a three-year project that works in partnership with the government of Tanzania (GOT) through the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC); the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG), Shinyanga Regional Health Management Team (RHMT) and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) of Kahama TC and Shinyanga DC. The project’s goal is to improve access to comprehensive family planning (FP)services in rural villages in the two districts through mobile outreach activities at community level. Central to the project’s success is the engagement of; and efforts to support a cadre of community health workers (CHWs). The CHWs mobilize communities, provide comprehensive FP counseling, counteract misconceptions on FP, provide voluntary short-acting methods of FP and assist with registration and referral of clients to mobile outreach service where women can access long acting and permanent FP methods.

Per Tanzania’s national guidelines for provision of FP services, CHWs can administer two modern contraceptive methods, namely oral contraceptive pills and condoms. However,task sharing is recognized as a critical strategy to increasing access and use of modern FP methods, especially in where there is shortage of human resources for health. Pathfinder would like to work with MOHCDGEC, FP stakeholders and other interested partners to advocate for national approval of CHWs’ provision of SAYANA Press.

To achieve this, Pathfinder in collaboration with the Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians in Tanzania (AGOTA) conducted a systematic review of available evidences and practices regionally and globally pertaining CHWs provision of subcutaneous DMPA (SAYANA Press). Evidence generated from this review strongly suggests that, CHWs can administer DMPA-SC when adequately trained. Risk associated with the use of DMPA-SC, quality of care and satisfaction by clients for such services delivered by CHWs are not any different when DMPA-SC is provided by other cadres of health care providers. AGOTA recommended approval of DMPA-SC intervention to public facilities and by CHWs for this pilot and later scaling up.

Following this evidence, Pathfinder is requesting application from interested research institutions or university research units to conduct a pilot test on the provision of Sayana Press in the community by community health workers in two districts (Shinyanga DC and Kahama TC) Shinyanga region Selection of the institution will be based on demonstraThesuccessful institution will develop a study protocol and seek  approval from NIMR to undertake the study. If approved, the operation research will be implemented in close collaboration with government institutions including MOHCDGEC, President Office Regional and Local Government (PORALG), relevant professional councils / associations and Shinyanga Region and District health management teams.

2. Objective of the Research

This study will assessthe feasibility of introducing delivery of subcutaneous Sayana Press DMPA injection by trained community health workers. The study will assess different parameters related to this task sharing initiative, such as acceptability, safely, accessibility, client satisfaction, safety and confidentiality etc. The study will provide operational considerations for institutionalization of provision DMPA -SC in the government structures through experiences of community health workers, facility-based providers, district, region and national level stakeholders engaged in pilot test study.

Specific objectives of the research:

To assess the feasibility of CHWproviding Sayana press in the community including their experiences in administering Sayana Press, waste management and linkage with facilities and their client’s experiences, the challenges they are facing and recommendations for scale up.
To examine acceptability of DMPA -SC in the communities and document the factors that are motivating current users and the users who switched from other methods to DMPA-SC and constraining those who do not want to try the product
To document the lesson learned and constraints throughout implementation process- from pilot testing planning, CHW trainings, Supervision, documentation and Sayana press supply chain management
To assess the cost and benefits of introducing DMPA -SC by CHW compared to before pilot testing where CHW were providing short acting methods (pills and condoms) only. This will include measuring impact before and after introducing DMPA-SC in the methods mix offered by CHW in the community using standard indicators.
To provide recommendation for scale up of DMPA-SC through CHW national wide

3. Methodology

The research will be conducted in project sites in Shinyanga DC and Kahama MC. The research institution will propose the study design, including data collection approaches and will use it to apply for ethical clearance. The final study report is expected to be deep in analysis, insights, and

 recommendationsto be used for advocating for advocating for adding DMPA-SC in the method mix offered by community health workers through government structures. The final report will be shared widely with FP stakeholders in Tanzania and will be used for advocating adding DMPA-SC in the method mix offered through public facilities and community health workers.

4. Deliverables:

Study protocols including research study design, data collection methodology and tools and workplan: The research institution will present a high-level framework indicating how it will approach this research study. The research framework should provide details covering study planning

 consideration, selection of CHW, training of CHW and supervision and links with health  facilities, how CHW will get the commodities and monitoring of their progress and detail methodology for collecting data from implementers and beneficiaries. Once Pathfinder receives grant approval from the donor, the research institution will develop a full protocol that will be submitted for seeking ethical clearance.

Quarterly progress report. The consultant will submit progress report of data collection activities on quarterly basis.

Final evaluation report: The Consultant will produce the draft evaluation respond to operational research questions. Within 14 days working days after receiving the report, Pathfinder and partners will provide comments and feedback to evaluation team leader. The Consultant will address all comments and feedback from Pathfinder and submit final report within 5 days after receiving comments.

5. Contracting and Payments

Actual contracting for this study is contingent to Pathfinder receiving donor approval and commitment of funding.
Payments will be made based on completed deliverables. Payable amount will be based on agreement in the final contract between Pathfinder and the research institution.

6. Request for Expression of Interest

Interested research institutions or universities are requested to submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) for this consultancy. The EOI should include the following information:

Demonstrated capacity and experience of doing similar research
Demonstrated experience of engaging with government to share results for policy advocacy
Names and profile / CVs of key staff who will be involved in conducting this research study

A high – level research framework, indicating how your institution will approach this research
Background information including education background.
How to Apply?

Please manually apply for this job using the details below:

The Applications should be submitted before November 27, 2018 to the following address:

Email: and .

Address: Introducing Sayana Press in the community through Community Health Workers in Shinyanga DC and Kahama DC Procurement Committee Pathfinder International-Tanzania

P.O. Box 77991

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Attn: Janeth Paul/Peniela Wilson

Off: +255-767 997 778/785 760 560

Tel: +255-22-2700726/29

Fax: 255- 22- 2700815

Physical delivery: Pathfinder office, Mikocheni, Chato Street

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