selected candidates in wmeka university of Tanzania 2018/2019

selected candidates in wmeka university of Tanzania 2018/2019

Dear valued stakeholders, it is my great pleasure and honour to welcome you to the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, the pioneer institution in providing high standards and relevant professional and technical training in Wildlife and Tourism Management in Africa and beyond. The College also, through its competent and experienced staff, conducts research and provides consultancy services relevant in addressing the challenges facing wildlife and tourism sectors and tapping the emerging opportunities.

The history of this College dates back to 1961 during the International Symposium on the Conservation of African Wildlife which was held in Arusha to deliberate on the future of wildlife conservation in the post-colonial era. Two of the outcomes of this symposium were resolution which urged post-colonial African governments to give a special priority for training in wildlife management and Arusha Manifesto, which among other things, underscored a need for specialist knowledge and trained manpower as prerequisites for effective conservation of wildlife and wild places. The College was founded on 24June 1963 with 25 students from Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Cameroon and Tanzania.

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