6 Factors that Determine Happiness at the Workplace

6 Factors that Determine Happiness at the Workplace

happiness workplace

A positive work environment contributes to a positive outcome. If you are happy at work, you are more likely to achieve better performance and higher productivity. Research shows that happy employees are more dedicated, innovative and creative, and they’re more likely to stay at the company for a long time.

Here are 6 factors that will guarantee your happiness at the workplace:

1. Praise and Recognition
happiness workplace Praise and Recognition

Regardless of the job or position, you want to be recognized for a job well done. Even if it’s a simple thank you from a company’s manager. Employees are more satisfied when they are praised for a job well done. They also feel respected when they are recognized for their contributions towards the company’s objectives. Praise and recognition from your company is one of the thing that will give your career meaning and happiness.

2. Meaningful and Interesting Work

Salary is not everything you need to be happy. A workplace where employees perform meaningful and interesting jobs enhances their level of workplace happiness. Employees who are consistently satisfied and engaged with their work will always stick around, according to research. If you will be working in a position that you love and enjoy it, happiness will fit into your workplace

3. Work-Life Balance
happiness workplace Work Life Balance

Work-life balance has also been named as one of the factors contributing to employee happiness. A healthy work-life balance includes elements such as time off, family-friendly work environments, working from home, are critical in preventing burnout and absence, and increasing motivation.

4. Organizational Trust, Culture and Environment

A transparent and communicative environment creates a better working relationship between management and employees. This will make employees feel more invested in the overall goals of the organization and thus be able to implement them. The culture of the company also determines workplace happiness. If your work style involves working independently, a company culture that fosters individual performance will probably make you happier.

5. Professional Growth and Development

happiness workplace Professional Growth and Development

Employees love opportunities for career growth through challenging responsibilities and promotions. Some organizations that provide opportunities for growth, through different daily responsibilities or training classes. So as long as these training will take place and impact your career growth, this will positively impact job satisfaction and hence happiness.

6. Relationship with your Manager and Coworkers

The relationship you have with your manager and colleagues is certainly one of the most important relationships you have at work. It impacts your work and workplace happiness directly. A relationship with your manager that encourages constructive feedback and professional humor creates a harmonious working relationship. Sharing with co-workers about weekend plans or discussing hobbies like sports can help you feel like part of a team and make you happy at work.

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