Employment Opportunities at Management and Development for Health (MDH) – 32 Positions


Employment Opportunities at Management and Development for Health (MDH) – 32 Positions

Management and Development for Health (MDH) is a non-profit organization in Tanzania
contributing to address public health priorities. MDH works with the Ministry of Health,
Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children; as well as academic and nonacademic institutions to address the problems of Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV/AIDS,
Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health and to undertake initiatives to advance public health
research, education, and services for improving the lives of people.

In Dar es Salaam, MDH supports the Government of Tanzania through the Municipal
councils of Ilala, Temeke, Kinondoni, Ubungo and Kigamboni in implementation of the
program on HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment and monitoring of people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA). In order to strengthen the care and treatment of PLWHA in Dar es Salaam,
MDH on behalf of the above mentioned Municipal Councils seeks to employ the following


Reports to: Facility In-charge

Job Purpose
Perform the task as Clinician for the HIV/AIDS Clinic under the supervision of the Site Manager

Qualification and work experience:
The Clinician should be a holder of Diploma, Advance Diploma and/or Bachelor in Clinical
Medicine from a recognized institution; he/she should have an experience of at least 3 years in the field of expertise.

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Providing clinical care to HIV patients in the Clinic including:
 Management of Opportunistic Infections
 Staging of HIV patients for Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) eligibility
 Initiating patients on ART
 Managing complications of ART
 Initiation and monitoring of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
2. Providing consultation to HIV-positive patients on the wards as requested
3. Maintaining accurate medical records and other data collection as required for Monitoring and evaluation within the Clinic
4. Participating in Clinic Team Meetings and assisting the site manager with strategic planning for the Clinic
5. Doing any other duty as assigned by the site manager.


Reports To: Facility In-charge

Job Purpose
Perform the task as Pharmaceutical technician at HIV/AIDS care and treatment clinic under the supervision of District Supply Chain Officer

Qualification and work experience:
The Pharmaceutical technician should be a holder of Diploma/Advance Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institution; he/she should have an experience of at least 3 years in the field of expertise.

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Make sure that the storage and dispensing area is clean, safe and conforms to laws
governing pharmacy and pharmaceuticals
2. Project consumption estimates for each drug item on Monthly basis
3. Make order of drugs from main store of your respective district store according to
anticipated Monthly requirements by filling authorized tools i.e. ordering and requisition voucher
4. Receives deliveries and counterchecks and sign off all drug deliveries
5. Keep records of all receipts and issues. Maintain bin card for each item and keep a running
6. Store, distribute and control the stock and ensures uninterrupted supply of drugs at all times by ensuring Max-Min stock level of 2/1 Month at all times
7. Redistribute the nearly expiring drugs to sites that can consume them before the expiring
8. Controls and separate immediately the damaged and expired drugs from the shelves/cupboard and keeps all set aside for destruction
9. Monitor prescriptions from dully authorized prescribers for appropriateness and
10. Dispense/refill all prescriptions
11. Provide medication adherence counseling to patients
12. Maintain records of all drugs issued to patients to dispensing register, paper based and or
13. Prepare and submit Monthly drugs consumption report which includes stock level and
number of patients on ARVs per regimen to district Supply Chain officer before 5th of the next Month
14. Provide drugs information’s to patients including other member of the clinical staff
15. Maintains confidentiality and keeps patient information and records secure
16. Do any other duties as may be assigned by the site manager


Reports to: DAC
The District Pediatric Officer is a self-motivated individual who will assist the Senior Pediatric
Officer and the CHMT in implementation of the pediatric activities in the district. He/She will be responsible to the Senior Pediatric officer and will work in close collaboration with the Pediatric Care and Treatment Manager

1. The District Pediatric Officer (DPO) is responsible for assisting the Senior Pediatric Officer in ensuring that MDH supported facilities meet the national standard for pediatric initiatives by:
1. Assisting the MDH supported pediatric clinics to meet the national standards for
comprehensive management of HIV/AIDS
2. Providing technical assistance to site staff on implementation of national standards for
PMTCT and Early infant diagnosis at PMTCT within the respective district
3. Assist in identification of training needs for the sites and help PSO in organizing
mentorship at site level using recommended national curricula.
2. Collaborate with the SPO and the PTC – Manager to ensure that, MDH supported sites
implement integrated holistic care to paediatrics through:
1. Participating in the supportive supervision with the district teams for Pediatric services
2. Supporting and supervising mentorship activities for Pediatric services.
3. Assisting the SPO and PCT Manager in achieving the agreed program targets for the
Pediatric unit
4. Assisting the SPO in strengthening systems for monitoring and evaluating the pediatric
5. Assisting the SPO and PCT Manager in preparation of the district reports
6. Supporting trainings conducted to the pediatric unit
7. Perform any other duties as assigned by the line manager
8. Help site staff understand their targets and help them reach the targets

 Bachelor Degree/ Advance Diploma in Social Work
 Diploma in Clinical Medicine/ Nursing Officer/ Nurse Midwife.
 With least three years of experience on HIV/AIDS Program implementation
 Experience on Pediatric/ Child health unit service
 Experience on Provider Initiative testing and counseling services.
 Excellent communication skills,
 Well-developed interpersonal skills
 Able to work in team settings and willingness to learn
 Strong work ethic and ability and willingness to work long hours



Reports To: Health Facility In-charge

Job summary:
A HIV Testing counselor requires extensive, current knowledge of the HIV prevention measures.
Testing counsellor must enjoy working with other people, have a compassionate nature and be a good listener. A broad knowledge of diverse cultural beliefs and attitudes is often necessary when working with diverse population.

Duties and Responsibilities:
1. He/She is responsible to create awareness and education on the existence of HTS i.e. educating clients on all aspects of HIV diseases and treatment management as well as basic health lifestyles.
2. To serve as liaison between clinicians/clinics, individuals screened and care centers.
3. To provide on-going counseling and testing while maintaining confidentiality and patient
rights. Also to provide psychosocial support and assist with linkage to referral services.
4. To assess, document all referrals, make follow-up and report on referral outcomes.
5. To monitor the quality of test kits by the use of suitable control materials/samples from
laboratory department.
6. To be in line with current HTS protocols/guidelines to ensure correct testing services (periodic review of standard operating procedures with support from laboratory department).
7. To ensure safe storage of HTS related items and to request/prepare all the necessary
consumables for undertaking the HTS activities on time.
8. To compile and submit HTS reports on weekly, monthly and/or quarterly to the HTS
coordinators on time.
9. To keep accurate HTS records(logbooks, HTS registers, reports and referral/linkage reports)
10. To work with team member to monitor quality improvement plans with regards to the
established performance targets/indicators.
11. Ensure HIV testing is performed according to the National HIV Testing algorithm.
12. To carry out any other duties that may be required by the clinical team.

 At least Certificate in HTS Counseling and Testing (HIV&AIDS) from a recognized Institution
 A candidate must have at least three years of experience on HIV testing services,
 He/she must have a valid practice license
 Phlebotomy experience will be an added advantage.


Reporting to: Facility In-charge
The Laboratory technologist is expected to be a self-motivated individual who will be involved in setting and monitoring progress of laboratory program targets towards accreditation. He/She will be responsible to the laboratory manager.

 Fully support the laboratory towards accreditation
 Read, understand, and implement SOPs
 Performs daily QC runs on all laboratory tests/procedures
 Perform pre-analytical procedures on all specimens received including but limited to registration, separation, and storage
 Perform testing in serology, hematology, chemistry, molecular biology, parasitology, and
micro nutrients analysis
 Prepare samples for shipping according to SOPs
 Document daily operation, recalibration, preventive maintenance services, repair of
machines/analyzers using operation, reagents, calibration, maintenance and corrective action logs
 Troubleshoot minor technical faults in machines using operation manual, document the
action, and report to laboratory manager
 Analyze samples/PT panel received for external quality control program and submit them
within deadline
 Checking and completing all the laboratory results in the Laboratory Information System or
register book before validation/verification by a laboratory supervisor
 Archive all the source documents after testing in the appropriate files
 Prepare summary reports of the machines/analyzers at the end of every month
 Any duty deemed necessary by the lab supervisor including but not limited to training of
junior technicians and students

 Bachelor degree or advance diploma with least two years of experience
 Additional laboratory quality management training will also be considered
 registered by the Health Laboratory Technologists Council


Reports to: Facility In-charge

Qualification and Work Experience:
Nurse Counselor should have at least a diploma in Nursing and must have a valid practice license; he/she should have an experience of 3 years in the field of expertise.

A HIV/AIDS nurse counselor requires extensive, current knowledge of the symptoms and
treatments of AIDS and HIV infections, the methods by which the virus is (and is not) transmitted and prevention measures. HIV/AIDS counselors must enjoy working with other people, have a compassionate nature and be good listeners. A broad knowledge of diverse cultural beliefs and attitudes is often necessary when working with diverse populations.

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Adhering to nursing ethics as punctuality and cleanliness etc.
2. Ensuring that patients receive appropriate clinical care during a clinic visit, including scheduled or unscheduled physician examination and laboratory test.
3. Educating patients in all aspects of HIV disease and treatment management, as well as basic healthy lifestyles.
4. Counseling patients with regard to HIV diagnosis, management of medications, medication
and clinic visit adherence, psychosocial issues, and basic health self-care.
5. Counseling and educating family members and care givers to promote secondary prevention of HIV infection, to improve the care of patients with HIV, and to strengthen social support networks of patients.
6. Accurate and complete documentation of patient information and patient encounters in the patient medical record.
7. Assisting patients to connect with other resources through the referral network.
8. Assisting the physician in the provision of clinical care for patients.
9. Doing any other duty as assigned by the nurse supervisor, site manager and OPD nurse officer in-charge.

Interested candidates should submit their application letters, CVs, Certified photocopies of
certificates and names and contact information (email addresses and telephone numbers) of two references.

Applications should be submitted by 25th September, 2018 to the HR Manager, MDH through emailhr@mdh-tz.org or drop by hand at our MDH Mikocheni Office near New Regency Park

Please note; only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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